The online meet registration is now open! Here's what you need to know...
1) First, you must register for swim meets through the website. You now have to click on the "EVENTS" tab at the top of the website to see the meet schedule.
2) Click the "SIGN UP" button next to the meet you want to sign up for.
3) Next, click "REGISTER NOW" and you will be taken to the athlete registration page.
4) Fill out the athlete's first and last name and also include a primary contact phone number and email address in order to alert you if we have any change of schedule or cancellation.
5) At the bottom of the athlete registration page, you'll see an "EVENT REQUEST" field that you can hint at an event you'd like to race. This field is not required to complete the registration but it can be used to help coaches with the lineup. You may not always get the events you request, but coaches will take what you request into consideration.
Please note, once you are registered for the swim meet, it is your responsibility to show up to the swim meet on time and participate in the competition. If you need to back out of a competition once you've already signed up for the swim meet, you must alert the coaches with 48 hour of the meet in order to adjust the lineup and relays that are affected.